Location: Podgorica / Area: 2200m2 / year of design: 2011. / professional supervision: 2011-2012.
Main design of the business building of commercial functions in Podgorica.
The project was made on the request of the Investor "NEREGELIA" d.o.o. Podgorica presented by Ms. LjiljanaPizurica.
The axial dimensions of the main part of the building are 48.00m * 15.30m, and this part of building has one underground level, groundlevel +1. A part of the building with axial dimensions of 16.00 m * 3.85 m, has 2 underground levels and groundlevel.
At elevation -5.60 are two chambers for storage of durable meat products with a total area of about 600m2 as well as part of the auxiliary and ancillary rooms; on the intermediate level -2.80m are the remaining ancillary rooms; at 0.00 there are warehouses for consumer goods approx. 400 m2 and an air-conditioned warehouse for pharmaceutical products approx. 150 m2, as well as three separate docks for transshipment of goods; on the mezzanine floor + 3.85m ancillary rooms next to the pharmaceutical warehouse; at + 6.65m air-conditioned warehouse of pharmaceutical products approx. 300m2.
The total gross area of the building is approximately 2200m2.